Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Ice Queen

For this tutorial you will need:
A tube of choice, I am using the art of Chris Pastel, to use this tube
you will need to purchase it from PicsForDesign here
The beautiful kit I am using is called Tranquil Winter by Ladyhawwk, 
you can purchase it here
Font used Buffet Script here

Open a trasparent canvas 600 x 600, flood fill with white.

Open TW-Ele56 copy and paste as anew layer onto your canvas,Go to image, resize use these settings, resample by bicubic, resize all layers unchecked (use these settings throughout) resize by 80%.

Open TW-Ele69 copy and paste as a new layer onto your canvas.

Open TW-Ele60 copy and paste as a new layer onto your canvas, go to image, resize and resize by 80% go to effects, 3d effects, drop shadow, add the following drop shadow to this layer, use the same settings each time, H -2, V 2, Opacity 44, blur 6, color black.

With the window layer still active select the magic wand, click on an area of your outside of the window, go to selections, modify, expand y 2 pixels, open TW-Paper11 copy and paste it as a new layer onto your canvas then hit delete on your keyboard, go to selections, select none.

Open TW-Ele21 copy and paste it as a new layer onto your canvas, go to image, resize and resize by 50%, drag this layer below the window layer and arrange to your liking.

Open TW-Ele9 copy and paste as anew layer onto your canvas, go to image, resize and resize by 50%, arrange on the left of the window.

Open TW-Ele54, copy and paste as anew layer onto your canvas, go to image, resize and resize by 50%, arrange at the bottom of the window frame.

Copy and paste your tube of choice as a new layer, resize, position to the right hand side of the window, when happy add a drop shadow.

Open TW-Ele28 (you may want to use other elements there are so many beautiful elements to use in this kit) copy and paste as a new layer onto your canvas, go to image, resize and resize by 65% arrange on the upper right hand side of the window frame, add a drop shadow.

Open TW-Ele32, copy and paste as a new layer onto your canvas, go to image, resize and resize by 50% arrange on the lower right hand side of the window frame, add a drop shadow.

Add your name and copyright info.Resize and delete the white background layer if disred. Your done!

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