Sunday, 7 December 2014

Snow Days

For this tutorial you will need:
A tube of choice, I am using the art of PinUpToons, to use this tube
you will need to purchase it from CDO here
The gorgeous Scrap kit IB PinUpToons  206-2  by Ladyhawwk here
Filters used
Eyecandy 4000, Gradient glow
VanDerLee Snowflakes

Open a transparent canvas 600 x 600, flood fill with white,

Set your background color to a color of choice, one that compliments your tube, select the ellipse tool draw out a circle around the same size as the one shown below.

Do not convert to raster layer yet,select the text tool, select your font I used Navel,size 36, create as vector, hover near the edge of the circle until you see a curve below the A text curser, then click on the canvas, type SNOW DAYS ARE THE BEST DAYS. 

open the layers up by clicking on the + On the New Ellipse layer, right click and convert to raster selection, then open paper 3, copy and paste as a new layer, go to selections, invert then hit delete on your keyboard, now close off the visibility on the new ellipse layer and convert to raster layer.

On the snow days layer, go to effects, plugins, eyecandy 4000, gradient glow, choose fat then set the glow width to 3, apply.

On the paper 3 layer, go to image, resize and resize by 90%, resample using bicubic, resize all layer unchecked then go selections, select all, selections, float, selections, defloat, selections, modify, select selection borders, both sides checked, border width 4, anti alias checked. flood fill with a light color that compliments your tube, selections, select none, go adjust, add/remove noise, add noise, set the noise at 40%, uniform checked and monochrome checked.

Still on the paper layer, then go to layers, duplicate 2 times for a total of 3 layers, then go to layers, properties, change the names of these 3 layers to p1, p2 & p3. 

On the P1 layer, go to selections, select all, selections, float, selections, defloat go to effects, plugins, VanDerLee snowflakes, apply the following settings.

Repeat the last steps on the p2 & p3 layers changing the random seed each time, close out the p2 & p3 layers.

On the p3 layer go to selections, select all, selections, float, selections, defloat then copy and paste your tube as a new layer, arrange to your liking, change the blend mode of this layer to soft light, open Ele 27, copy and paste as a new layer then go to selections, invert then hit delete on your keyboard, on both the tube and the Ele 27 layers back to selections, select none.

Open Ele 4 copy and paste as a new layer onto the canvas, go to image, resize and resize by 65%, no drop shadow, move to the bottom of the cirlce.

Open Ele 13, copy and paste as a new layer onto the canvas, go to image, resize and resize by 70%. arrange to your liking.

Open Ele 17, copy and paste as a new layer onto the canvas, go to image, resize and resize by 70%. arrange at the end of the fence, no drop shadow.

Open Ele 2, copy and paste as a new layer onto the canvas, go to image, resize and resize by 45%. arrange at the end of the fence, you can add a slight drop shadow if desired, I used H2, V -2, opacity 22, blur 4, color black, (when using a drop shadow please make sure none of the element or tube is below the snow it will effect the animation).

Copy and paste your tube as a new layer, resize and arrange to your liking, add a drop shadow.

Open Ele 3, copy and paste as a new layer onto the canvas, go to image, resize and resize by 45%. arrange at the end of the fence, add a slight drop shadow.

Open Ele 11, copy and paste as a new layer onto the canvas, go to image, resize and resize by 30%. arrange so its hanging on the top of the circle, add a slight drop shadow.

Add your name and copyright info. delete the white bg layer, resize if required. your ready to animate.


Open animation shop, in paint shop, go to edit, copy merged, then in animation shop, edit, paste as new animation

In paint shop, hide p1 layer and open p2 layer, then go to edit, copy merged, in animation shop, go to edit, paste after current frame.

In paint shop, hide p2 layer and open p3 layer, then go to edit, copy merged, in animation shop, go to edit, paste after current frame.

save. your done!

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