Wednesday 3 March 2021

Mythical Fantasy


For this Tutorial you will need

A tube of choice I am using Valyria & the Dragon By Abbey Dawn at EleganceFly, you can purchase the tube here 
My FTU Mythical Fantasy kit Here
Mask_Vivienne_0053 Here
Font of choice, I used Agenda King

Drop Shadow used V0, H4, Opacity 67, Blur 10 (Known throughout as ds) 

Open a blank canvas 700 x 700, flood fill with white.

Copy & Paste (C&P) Mask_Vivienne_0053 as a new layer
Selections, select all, selections, float, selections, defloat, copy & Paste Paper 4 as a new layer, Selections invert & hit delete, selections, select none, delete the original mask layer.

C&PE10 move slightly up & left.

C&P E38, resize by 80% move up the canvas 

C&P E37, resize by 70%, ok you should now have something like this

C&P E53, resize by 80% add a ds

C&P E32 as a new layer, resize by 65%, arrange just under the mushroom image, Duplicate this layer, image, flip move down to the bottom see my tag for reference.

C&P E44, resize by 45% add a ds, duplicate mirror.

C&P E31, resize by 40% place below layer 32 to the right, duplicate, image mirror add ds to these layers.

C&P E7, leave it where it sits

C&P E21, resize by 40% , image rotate, free rotate by 90 degrees right, all layers unchecked, add a ds, arrange just under the orb on the left, duplicate this layer, image, mirror.

C&P E12, resize by 40%, add a ds, arrange on the upper left.

C&P E9, move to the right, see my tag for reference, duplicate on the duplicate layer, adjust blur, gaussian blur, set radius to 5 apply, change the blend mode to Screen lower the layer opacity to around 64, just to give it that magical glow, add a ds to the original unicorn layer'

C&P your tube as a new layer, resize by 30%, image, mirror - If you are using a different tube you may want to re arrange the unicorn to your liking - repeat the steps above with the unicorn on the layers but change the blend mode to soft light.

C&P E44 again, resize by 45% place to the right in front of the tube add a ds.

C&P E43, resize by 25% place at the left of the flowers, add a ds.

C&P E13, resize by 15%, place on the mushroom, add a ds.

C&P E49, Place at the bottom of the mushrooms, add a ds.

C&P E42, Place at the left by the dragon. add a ds

C&P E50, resize by 25%, Duplicate and mirror this layer, resize the duplicate layer by 85%, arrange at the left in front of the plant.

Add name & copyright info.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful tut and kit, I can't wait to try it out, I noticed the link to Vivienne's mask, it's to her old blog, but she has all her mask,incl. the one you are using,
    gather HERE :
    Hugs, Betsy E.
