Filters used
Xero Radiance optional
Open a blank canvas 750 x 750, Flood fill with white
Add a new raster layer, Selections, select all copy & paste (C&P from here) paper 4 into selection, selections, select none.
Apply The Asylum mask 202, right click on the layer, merge, merge group.
Add a new raster layer, Selections, select all C&P paper 3 into selection, selections, select none.
Apply my mask MD_14_23, right click on the layer, merge, merge group.
Open Element 32, go to image, resize and resize by 30% then apply MMC copies - Encircle - with default settings, resize to 110% Add a Drop shadow (DS from here)
C&P element 15, resize by 75%, duplicate this layer & mirror, right click the duplicate layer merge, merge down, add a DS
C&P element 1, resize by 70% arrange on the right hand side, add a DS
C&P element 20, resize by 65%, move slightly left, add a DS
C&P element 3, resize by 45%, move to the edge of the wheel, see m tag for reference, add a DS
C&P element 14, resize by 75%, arrange on the right, add a DS
C&P element 18, resize by 50%, move left just in front of flowers, add a DS
C&P your tube of choice, resize to your liking, move slightly right,
Duplicate this layer, add a gaussian blur radius 2, then add xero radiance with the following settings
change the blend mode of this layer to screen, add a DS to the original layer.
C&P element 6, resize by 50%, arrange beneath the tube layers on the right, add DS.
C&P element 5, resize by 20%, move left just in front of fox, see my tag for reference, duplicate this layer and mirror add a DS, duplicate again, free rotate 45 degrees left arrange to your liking.
C&P element 17, resize by 25%, move left just in front the fox, add a DS
C&P element 19, resize by 30%, move left by the group of nuts, add a DS
Add your name and copyright info. Thank you for trying my tutorial, I hope you enjoyed it.
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