For this tutorial you will need:
Drop shadow used throughout V 0, H -4, opacity 40, blur 10
Open a transparent canvas 700 x 700. Flood fill with white.
Copy & Paste (C&P) Paper 6 onto the canvas
Open the mask in PSP, go to layers, New mask layer, From image, Select the mask in the dropdown menu & apply, right click this layer, merge, merge all.
C&P Element 16 (E16) as a new layer, duplicate arrange as shown below
C&P E32 as a new layer, arrange on the right above the sand add a Drop Shadow (DS)
C&P E9 as a new layer, Resize by 85%, arrange in front of the rocks, add a DS
C&P E38 as a new layer, Resize by 70%, left of the life ring, add a DS
C&P E17 as a new layer, Resize by 70%, arrange at the bottom of the light house
C&P E11 as a new layer, Resize by 40%, arrange in front of the grass, add a DS
C&P E22 as a new layer, Resize by 65%, arrange on the left side of the life ring
C&P your tube of choice as a new layer, resize and arrange to your liking, duplicate the tube layer, on the duplicate layer add a gaussian glow set to 2, change the blend mode to soft light, add a DS to the original tube layer
C&P E25 as a new layer, Resize by 70%, arrange in front of the tube, add a DS.
C&P E25 as a new layer, Resize by 70%, arrange in front of the tube, add a DS.
C&P E40 as a new layer, Resize by 20%, arrange in in the sand, add a DS.
Delete the white background layer if saving in PNG format
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Great tut, Thank You